Finally, the proposed method proved to be fast, sensitive, and simple for suitable use in vaccinequality control.
This assay has proven to be highly useful in our laboratory and been used in routine vaccinequality control processes.
China must also address concerns over its vaccinequality and safety issues following several here scandals here over substandard vaccines in recent years.
Ús de vaccine type en anglès
Brentwood showed a sudden positive response to the vaccinetype... uh... He shuffled papers.
Agreement between automated and abstracted vaccinations required identical triads of child identification number, vaccination date, and vaccinetype.
Lack of automated data was the most frequent type of discrepancy, followed by date mismatches and vaccinetype mismatches.
Separate analyses were conducted for each HMO and for each vaccinetype administered between 1991 and 1995.
There were no significant differences in PCV vaccinetype (VT) carriage between the 3- and 2-dose groups at 12 months.
In addition, new vaccinetypes are mentioned and final conclusions are drawn.
However, our understanding of how different vaccinetypes elicit durable antibody responses is lacking.
The proportion of IPD caused by vaccinetypes was lower than pre-vaccination studies from other parts of the world.
A Standard MedDRA Query (SMQ) for vasculitis was used and vaccinetypes were categorized using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification system.
Our results are based on a randomized controlled trial of split virus inactivated vaccine and may not be applicable to other vaccinetypes.